When I started walking again it was for exercise. I started to take pictures & discovered I enjoy sharing New Orleans with you.

Denise Lyons roams NOLA for shotgun houses, vintage automobiles, colorful street art, furry friends, and various oddities commonly found in New Orleans, Louisiana. 
You can feel her love and appreciation for the city in her unique snapshots taken while walking or riding her bike. Her attention to intricate details of architecture and glimpses into urban life makes her one of the most energetic photographic ambassadors in New Orleans. Embarking on a path of physical fitness through distance walking in 2016, Ms. Lyons discovered parts of her city that were brand new to her. She began taking photos with her iPhone and eventually realized that others might love to see these same sights. 

Ms. Lyons began uploading these photos to Instagram, and @RoamingNola quickly grew. With over 20K followers, RoamingNola is a go-to for anyone with a passion for the less familiar aspects of New Orleans. Come take a walk (or ride) with Ms. Lyons.